Today, introduced two new features that should fuel creativity and collaboration within the community. It seeks to remove the problem of improper attribution and give artists the credit they deserve.

Remixes and Parts

It centers around two new tabs that appear or any Remix3D model. For a start, ‘Parts’ lets viewers break a 3D image up into its individual components. Microsoft gives the example of an island with a tree and pirate – you’d be able to see each model individually. Previously, creators could take content from others and add to it, or even claim it as their own. Though you can still build on other’s creations, it’s now called ‘remixing’, and it works slightly differently. Modifications of an existing model now appear under a ‘remixes’ tab underneath it. It lets users learn from the incredible creations of others, but also ensures that the original artist gets proper credit. There’s also a ‘Remix in Paint 3D’ button next to each model. “Whether you’re a professional 3D modeler or just a curious beginner, we invite you to join our community and upload, collaborate, and remix with us and inspire all new ways to create,” said Scott Porter, Principal Group Program Manager.  “We’ve already been inspired by your creativity, we can’t wait to see what’s next!” Users already on the Windows 10 Creators Update can start modeling in Paint 3D and export those to Remix 3D for feedback. You can find more about the latest features on the Windows blog.

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