Bot Plague

It seems obvious that LinkedIn took action and purged accounts. Hopefully, the company was accurate and removed only AI bot accounts and not actual employees. LinkedIn has not commented on the purge, but it still does not remove all the bot accounts. Of course, this is only a snapshot of two companies. LinkedIn is currently flooded by bot accounts, so it is worth treading carefully when interacting on the network. LinkedIn has mostly been able to avoid the bot profiles that plague other social media networks. That now seems to be changing. Why fake profiles are becoming more common is unclear. Following the initial report, feedback from LinkedIn users and HR departments using the network is that the false profiles are everywhere, mostly mimicking executive positions within major organizations. Tip of the day: Is your system drive constantly full and you need to free up space regularly? Try Windows Disk Cleanup in extended mode which goes far beyond the standard procedure. Our tutorial also shows you how to create a desktop shortcut to run this advanced method right from the desktop.

LinkedIn Is Still Facing a Bot Battle and Purging Accounts from Apple and Amazon Exceutive Accounts - 34LinkedIn Is Still Facing a Bot Battle and Purging Accounts from Apple and Amazon Exceutive Accounts - 13LinkedIn Is Still Facing a Bot Battle and Purging Accounts from Apple and Amazon Exceutive Accounts - 14LinkedIn Is Still Facing a Bot Battle and Purging Accounts from Apple and Amazon Exceutive Accounts - 2LinkedIn Is Still Facing a Bot Battle and Purging Accounts from Apple and Amazon Exceutive Accounts - 56