This multi-core microarchitecture will be available in the ARM Cortex-A processors. Those processors are scheduled to be released later in the year. The introduction means ARM plans for its technology to be everywhere, from cloud and IoT devices, to in-car systems. Cambridge, England-based ARM announced the DynamIQ architecture in a press release. The company says the first processors will focus on networking, automotive, primary compute devices, and servers. The new multi-core processors will make processing more flexible by bringing smoother task management. DynamIQ focuses on using different cores and processors within a single machine. This will allow big.LITTLE processing for smaller and more power efficient cores. These will be able to be combined with more powerful cores in a single device.

Changing the Industry with DynamIQ

With DynamIQ, ARM believes it is bringing a paradigm shift to microarchitecture. The company says this will bring the biggest movement since its 64-bit technology was released in 2011. Indeed, ARM says chips shipments will more than double in the next fives year. In its announcement, the company says 50 billion ARM chips have been shipped through partners in the last five years. Over the next five years, driven by DynamIQ, the company expects shipments of over 100 billion. This growth will be propelled by a greater adoption of IoT devices and artificial intelligence solutions. The latter will be a focus of the new technology. Specifically, ARM says DynamIQ instructions will be tailored to deliver better AI performance. For example, the technology improves machine learning with 50 times increase in AI capabilities.

ARM Announces DynamIQ Technology to Improve AI and Cloud Microarchitecture - 50ARM Announces DynamIQ Technology to Improve AI and Cloud Microarchitecture - 38ARM Announces DynamIQ Technology to Improve AI and Cloud Microarchitecture - 54ARM Announces DynamIQ Technology to Improve AI and Cloud Microarchitecture - 8ARM Announces DynamIQ Technology to Improve AI and Cloud Microarchitecture - 19